08 June 2009

I HATE Monday

I woke up late this morning, took a quick bath and ran to my office like hell. I hate Monday. I really do. And the humid air just made things worse.
I turned my computer on and made coffee while it was booting. I checked my email, and a thousand of reports and NFIs slapped me in the face. Damn.
I finished everything at 01.28 p.m. and here i am, doing nothing, desperately trying to keep conscious. Geez, i wonder could it be worse than this.

And i haven't eaten anything!!

it's 1258 mails in case you can't see the picture clearly.


  1. wiiiiiiiiiihhhhhh... jangan benci aku juga dooonggg... hehehehehehe

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wah, man.. untung email aing salah alamat.. mun nteu bisa jadi 1259 tuh (ngaruh badag)

    and i'll be red-marked as shit too, hahah

  4. wahahhaaaaa..... parah gila man...
    males banget liat angkanya...
    tetap smangat kawan... smoga qta jadi orang yang lebih sukses dimasa depan...

  5. @Gynaecia's: Ga akan laahh :)

    @Myrdalism: Hahaha. Yea, perhaps you are not destined to be shit. Yet. Hehe :P

    @Gemy: Yah, makasih ya atas simpatinya. Amiiiiinnn!!

  6. man ni si guwe nih heu"resep aink carite nu ieu...

    alus basana....

  7. @Anonymous: Hahaha. Makasih ya guwe.

